

If you're looking for over grips, you're probably loving the fresh feeling one provides everytime you put one over the basic grip. However, these grips need more regular replacements which might hurt you financially. Therefore, Sportshop.com always offers sharply priced over grips. Sounds like less quality? Definitely not! We offer the top-notch brands like Prince, Wilson and of course Babolat!

Still not sure?

It might be the case that you're still contemplating whether to go for a durable basic grip or a fresh over grip. To ease your decision, our tennis experts are available at the customer service! They'll provide you with all the necessary advice.

Completely new tennis rackets at Sportshop.com

Is a new grip not enough to fulfill your tennis racket needs? Luckily for you, Sportshop.com offers an extensive range of fresh, high-quality tennis rackets in multiple price ranges. We offer brands like Dunlop, Head and Prince.