Drink belts and water bottles


Drink belts and water bottles for extra moisture

Drinking belts and water bottles should not be missing during your run, especially if it involves a training session of 30 minutes or longer. Whether you walk a small round in the park or start running the 8K or 10K, extra moisture is of great importance in all cases. Not only can it lead to dehydration, your running performance will also deteriorate. Reason enough to order one of Sportshop's drinking belts or water bottles today.

Prevent the risk of cramping and moisture loss with drink belts and water bottles

You probably recognize it. You are just having a nice walk and chances are that you will improve your personal time. But suddenly you suffer from cramps and then you are stretching against a bench. Chances are that you have too few electrolytes and moisture.

In addition to losing moisture by sweating, this also happens with the air that you exhale. By drinking enough at least half an hour before your run, you considerably reduce the chance of cramps.

Combine the drink belts and water bottles with sports nutrition

Our range of sports nutrition offers everything to get the most out of your run. Supplement your electrolytes with a sports drink, get extra energy through gels in a quick and tasty way or give your leg muscles an extra boost with a protein shake. If you like to take a gel with you during your run, then it is wise to choose a drinking belt with extra compartments.

Walk as comfortably as possible with running shoes and running socks

With a drinking belt or water bottle you avoid dehydration and get the most out of your sporting performance. However, if you want to reduce the risk of injuries or pains to your joints, then a pair of running shoes and running socks should of course not be missing. View our full range and start every run comfortably.