Injury prevention and recovery


Injury prevention and recovery

Basketball is a physical sport that often puts a lot of strain on your muscles. Taking good care of your body before and after playing basketball is therefore of great importance. That is why the injury prevention and recovery products are very useful. Tip: also take a look at our cooling range, this can promote the recovery of your injury!

Sports cream

To properly prepare your muscles for physical exertion, it is wise to rub your muscles with a warming sports cream. These creams penetrate deep into your muscles and, together with a good warm-up, ensure that your muscles are fully warmed up. In addition, these sports creams can also be used as a massage cream for after your training or match. In our range you will find, for example, the FlexPower Sportcréme.

Foam rollers basketball

With a foam roller you can give yourself a massage. A foam roller is made of hard foam and in most cases has the shape of a cylinder. The foam roller puts pressure on the muscles so that the tension in your muscles temporarily decreases. Because the tension decreases, you get a liberating feeling in the place where tension used to be. The roller can be used in the warm-up, during training or competition and in the cool-down. After using the foam roller you will suffer less from muscle pain. This is because the roller stimulates your blood flow, so that your lactic acid and waste products are removed from the muscles faster. It also helps to prevent injuries. The muscles are loosened and this relaxes the muscles. The muscles will therefore not be overloaded. The foam roller has many advantages and is therefore very popular among basketball players, but also in other sports. In our range you will find foam rollers from Nike and Pure 2 Improve, for example check out this Medium Roller from Pure2Improve.